

New leaflet for explaining benefits of intercropping. 

Managers at the NL MAP have developed an infographic to explain to farmers and other stakeholders the benefits of crop mixtures of legumes and cereals. You can find it bellow:

Procedure for the co-creation of species mixtures under a multi-actor platform in Occitaine (France):

Master Thesis to be developed at INRA Toulouse in the frame of ReMIX. 

In this folder

In order to increase employees knowledge on the subject, ReMIX Partner Terrena has produced four articles on four crops mixture combinations. You can find them here translated into English.

The video, released by TERRENA Coop, was recorded on August 2nd 2019 in one of the farms of the French Multiactors Platform (MAP)

Potentially the global N fertilizer use could be reduced with 26% and 115 mill ha of sole cropped cereals used for other crops. By Erik Steen Jensen & Georg Carlsson & Henrik Hauggaard-Nielsen2

Benedikt Haug (FiBL) shares the first results from the trials in Switzerland

Abstracts from ReMIX researchers at the 18 th European Weed Research Society Simposium, June 17-21, Ljubljana, Slovenia.