ReMIX multi-actor Platforms

ReMIX multi-actor Platforms

ReMIX has embraced the EIP-Agri multi-actor approach through setting up 11 multi-actor platforms in 10 European countries for working with species mixtures.

ReMIX adopts the EIP-Agri multi-actor approach in order to produce new knowledge that is scientifically credible but also socially valuable for conventional and organic agricultural systems. The multi-actor approach will be implemented at two levels: project partnership and external stakeholder involvement .

ReMIX will actively involve local stakeholders through 11 Multi-Actor Platforms (MAPs) in 10 EU countries, gathering actors across the agricultural innovation chain: practitioners, research organisations, advisory and extension services, equipment suppliers, EIP-Agri Operational Groups, policy makers, local and regional public authorities, etc. 

Activities in MAPs will span from the specification of end-user needs and the co-design of in-field and on-farm experiments to demonstrations with evaluation of new varieties and practices. 


Remix map

Denmark: Henrik Hauggaard-Nielsen (RUC);

France (Atlantic): Bertrand Pinel (TER);

France (Mediterranean): Laurent Bedoussac (INRA);

Germany: Maria Finkh (KU); Johannes Timaeus (KU);

Greece: Christos Dordas (AUTH);

Netherlands: Abco de Buck (LBI);

Poland: Marek Krysztoforski (ACC);

Spain: Cristina Virto (INTIA);

Sweden: Raj Chongtham Iman  (SLU);

Switzerland: Marina Wendling (FiBL);

UK (Scotland): Robin Walker (SRUC);