
ARVALIS Institut du vegetal, is the French technical institute (staff: 400) in charge of applied research on cereals, maize, sorghum, potatoes, flax, tobacco and forage crops. It is run by farmers and professional representatives. ARVALIS provides tools, techniques and services to farmers, agricultural organizations and firms in a context combining economic competitiveness, adaptation to changing market conditions and environmental protection. The Institute has effective means through 27 sites in France, with a broad range of activities, at the field scale to post-harvest process. ARVALIS takes part in 9 multi-actor projects under H2020.  

Website: https://www.english.arvalisinstitutduvegetal.fr/index.html

Contact Person: Jérôme Labreuche   |    j.labreuche@arvalis.fr          Florence Leprince   |   f.leprince@arvalis.fr 

Modification date: 31 August 2023 | Publication date: 28 June 2017 | By: ReMIX