Newsletter 1

Newsletter 1

Welcome to the first ReMIX newsletter!

In this first issue you will learn more about the project and its partners, the achievements over the first year of work and the plans for the coming months. 

You can find more information on the individual WPs in the articles below. 

Enjoy the read!

In this folder

By WP1 coordinators: Henrik Hauggaard-Nielsen (, Ane Kristine Aare (, Søren Lund (, Andrew Barnes (, Edwin Nuijten (, Valentin Verret ( and Marie-Helene Jeuffroy (

By WP2 coordinators: Erik Steen Jensen (; Raj Chongtham (; Etienne-Pascal Journet (, TjeerdJan Stomph (; Jochem Evers (

By WP3 coordinators at University of Kassel: Odette Weedon (, Adnan Sisic (, Johannes Timaeus (, and Maria Finckh (

By WP4 coordinators: Isabelle Litrico-Chiarelli (; Pierre Hohmann (; Paolo Annicchiarico (; Christos Dordas (; Jérôme Enjalbert (

By WP5 coordinators: Niels Anten (, Jean-Noël Aubertot (, Nathalie Colbach (, Sebastian Munz (, Wopke van der Werf (

By WP6 team: Maria Finckh (; Johannes Timaeus (; Jörg-Peter Baresel (; Christine Watson (; Kairsty Topp (; Safia Mediene (; Guillaume Martin (; Marion Casagrande (; Laurent Bedoussac ( ; Muriel Valantin-Morison (; Laurence Fontaine (