Practice Abstracts 13-29

Practice Abstracts II

ReMIX will disseminate the project's key results in an easy and understandable fashion. For this purpose, practice abstracts have been created and will be uploaded to the EIP-AGRI website and network, as well as in this site and the Organic Farm Knowledge Platform. Below you can find the second batch including 17 practice abstracts. The first batch, with 12 Practice Abstracts, was already published in 2020. Enjoy the read!

13. Pea breeding for intercropping with cereals

14. Farmer participation improves blue-lupin oat species mixtures for local protein production and weed control in organic farming

15. Testing soil for legume fatigue

16. Intercropping maize with barley to reduce wireworm damage

17. Effect of broccoli-vetch intercropping on the incidence of pests in broccoli

18. The lucerne, one the most used living mulches

19. Living mulches, common sainfoin

20. White clover, a well-adapted species for living mulches

21. Red clover, a vigorous cover crop

22. Living mulches: regulation in the wheat grown in conventional farming

23. Living mulches: what are the challenges

24. Living mulches: when and how to establish them

25. Living mulches: how to choose species according to the context and objectives

26. Living mulches: management in conventional wheat farming

27. The economic impact of integrating living mulch in a crop rotation

28. Living mulch of lucerne for the cultivation of soft wheat in organic farming

29. Optimising legume intercropping for pollinators