First field day at Danish MAP

First field day at Danish MAP in collaboration with sister project “Green fields Strong roots”

On October 30th, ReMIX’s Danish MAP organized its first field event. The demonstration day tool place at Knudstrupgård, Fjenneslev in Zealand (Denmark) and participants came from Denmark and neighbouring Sweden.

Participants attended the field tour in which different trials were presented: catch crops with diversified crop stands and also with reduced tillage. Different species mixtures were presented and discussion revolved around earth worms, soil carbon and many more hot topics related to sustainable farming strategies. The field demonstrations are conducted in close cooperation with the national Danish project “Green fields strong roots”

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The demo day came to an end with a presentation of the ReMIX project by Henrik Hauggaard-Nielsen from RUC(ReMIX WP1 leader) followed by a cold beer and lively networking in the farm’s barn.