Increased awareness and dialogue on sustainable use of species mixtures

39 different species mixtures adapted by farmers were identified across MAPs

WP1 focuses on exploration of both potentials and limitations of the demand-driven co-design approach and identify pathways towards increased use of species mixture in European cropping systems.

We know that innovations must be negotiated and locally adjusted by relevant actors to be effective. From comprehensive wok conducted in the 11 demand driven ReMIX multi actor platforms (MAPs) positioned across Europe increased awareness and dialogue on sustainable use of species mixtures are obtained securing implementation of locally relevant, legitimate and innovative solutions. Trials at central fields and connected satellite on-farm trials picture local settings, traditions and needs introducing new socio-technical configurations into existing farming regimes. Including scientific findings from the other WPs in the project WP1 entail the chaotic multiple changes in e.g. markets, user practices, policy, cultural discourses, infrastructure, and governing institutions required for successful transitions of current practices.

WP1 2

Visit to farmer’s fields showing root development in wheat + fava bean mixture (July 2019; ©SLU)

Some actors engaged in local MAP activities experience interactions with others that they might not typically meet in their everyday practices. Despite multiple objectives, resources allocated, and strategies farmers and other actors are invited to step out of their regular work routines and openly interact with new contacts. In general, this collaborative spirit starts to evolve – especially during this last year. Preliminary work indicates four categories of main factors for change: i) Value chain actors; ii) Eco-system or farm services; iii) Infrastructure of organizations in the agricultural sector and iv) Human resources, or social capital. Clearly, different agronomic and socio-economic conditions combined with the actors engaged result in different ways of co-designing specific crop mixtures that meet the possibilities and demands within the local demand-driven MAP objectives.

39 different species mixtures adapted by farmers were identified across MAPs in four major categories: i) mixtures composed of 2 cash crops for food; ii) mixtures composed with companion crops or cover crops; iii) mixtures composed of 3-6 grain species, and iv) mixtures with 2-3 cash crops for on-farm feed.

WP1 4
WP1 3

Demonstration field visit and workshop carried out (May 2019; © INTIA).

Exploration of institutional needs and market-related assessments is now intensified for selected MAPs. Facilitating participatory socio-technical analyses of locally identified barriers and opportunities are initiated in view of identifying actions to overcome identified market-based and institutional logins or barriers.

Modification date : 31 August 2023 | Publication date : 24 September 2020 | Redactor : INI